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  2. Royalty Free Fitness Music

Royalty Free Fitness Music - Where to find it on the app.

Virtual Class Music has been renamed to Royalty Free Fitness Music. Need music to stream for your virtual class? We have you covered.

In order to use our Royalty Free Fitness Music license-free, you need to be an active Power Music NOW app subscriber. Please click here to read all Terms and Conditions for using this music. 

You can find this music on the Power Music NOW app on the EXPLORE page under "Royalty Free Fitness Music" or in the “Originals” category in the Custom Mixes section.

Finding Pre-Mixed Royalty Free Fitness Music Mixes in the App:

Photo Aug 24, 2 28 11 PM

To access these albums:
1. Open our Power Music NOW app.
2. You will automatically be on the EXPLORE tab. 
3. Scroll down to the bottom of the list and click the 'Royalty Free Fitness Music' category
4. Use ANY of these mixes in your videos (there's plenty of variety, great tracks for barre, yoga, Step, Cardio and more).









In addition to using Premixed albums, you can make a custom mix using any tracks found in the "Originals" category on the app for either custom mixes or playlists.




To access these tracks:
1. Open our Power Music NOW app.
2. Tap "My Music" then "ClickMix" then "Create a Custom Mix" then "Add Tracks".
3. Click 'Add Tracks' and you'll see the Originals category listed. 
4. Use ANY of these songs in your classes.




Find Royalty Free tracks on the website: Click here.

Please click here to read all Terms and Conditions for using this music. 

Please be advised: While all of the music found in the "Royalty Free Fitness Music" section has been cleared for use in your live stream classes, we have no control over the detection systems used by these platforms (YouTube, Facebook, etc.) which are not always 100% accurate and your video may still be flagged or taken down.