What does my subscription include?

Unlimited access to all Power Music albums and tracks as well as a state-of-the-art tempo changer and tabata timer.

Power Music NOW is designed for professional fitness instructors by the world’s #1 fitness music company, Power Music. It’s a music player with the ability to adjust the BPM of any song in your library instantly on the fly!

As a Power Music Now member, you will have access to unlimited Power Music Albums and ClickMix (making your own custom mix.) You can also access your downloads previously purchased on powermusic.com.

You can also create your own playlists from any of Power Music’s tracks and albums as well as any music downloaded on your device.

Included is two timers (simple and interval/Tabata.)

Click here to watch the tutorial video. 



-Change your BPM without altering pitch (+/- 50%)

-Gapless playback

-Lock tempo either by BPM or % of original BPM

-Simple and Interval timers included

-Audio scrub to fast-forward or rewind

-Supports multi-tasking so it runs in the background



-Unlimited Power Music Albums

-Unlimited ClickMixes

-Create custom ClickMixes in the APP

-Access all previously purchased album from powermusic.com

-Monthly Exclusive mixes available only on the APP



-If you’ve purchased music from Power Music already, you can access those albums through the App and use in the player for FREE.



-Allows you to pull in music that’s downloaded on your device and use the player and all its functionality.